
Hai,para sone yang lama dan yang baru tau .!
nah ini dia sone di blog ini saya ingin berbagi foto-foto kumpulan
saya sone ! dan juga beberapa video sone silahkan lihat!! ^_^!

Jumat, 16 November 2012

Taeyeon, Flowers, and a Message

Meet artist Taeyeon and her very literal depiction of their song Flower Power !

Taeyeon: “Since it’s called “FLOWER POWER”….I tried drawing flowers (laughs) Please listen to it a lot~!!”

That’s a pretty awesome drawing of flowers, if I may say so myself. What do you guys think? Are we witnessing a blossoming artist?

And of course, her warm message:
“Hello Japan Sone. It’s Taeyeon!
It’s gotten really cold, however you all haven’t caught a cold have you?
Everyone was really happy since this week we were able to meet at “Playing with GIRLS’ GENERATION” ☆
We were also very very happy~(**)
How was the first performance of “FLOWER POWER”~♪?”

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