
Hai,para sone yang lama dan yang baru tau .!
nah ini dia sone di blog ini saya ingin berbagi foto-foto kumpulan
saya sone ! dan juga beberapa video sone silahkan lihat!! ^_^!

Selasa, 21 Mei 2013

Girls’ Generation Attends ‘True Beyond’ Event in Thailand and Releases New CF


On May 21st, Girls’ Generation, the new TrueMove H brand ambassador, attended a grand opening event for “True Beyond”, the latest mobile phone and tablet from TrueMove H. The opening was held at Parc Paragon in Siam Paragon, Bangkok.
At the event, the members of Girls’ Generation appeared on stage for a brief interview and photos. Pictures from the “True Beyond” opening can be found in Soshified’s Photos Section. A video recording of the event is available from Soshified’s Video Downloads Section.
A new CF featuring Girls’ Generation for “True Beyond” was also played during the grand opening. Bright and cheerful, the CF shows the members in several different scenes tapping on “True Beyond” phones to show people their different functions.
Check out Girls’ Generation“True Beyond” CF below.

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